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Berkshire WOT Weekend

March 13 - 15, 2020
Canaan, NY

Spend a weekend tasting the magic of a Walking Our Talk circle of strength and community.

The Experience

  • Genuine connection with other women

  • Unqualified support for living your purpose and dreams

  • Inclusivity that expands your perspective and heart

  • Coming home to trust in yourself and other women

  • Learn how skillfully held structure supports a sense of safety and vulnerability

  • Dive deep into the Agreements that hold the context for every WOT circle

  • Discover the mystery and magic of authentic, vulnerable sharing and full presence when listening

  • Learn how our feminine principles of non-hierarchical connection repair systemic mistrust of other women and build a new culture of support


The Schedule

Arrive Friday Evening​ at 5:30PM

Conclude Sunday at 2PM

What's Included

A full weekend of programming​

All meals, snacks, and beverages

Double occupancy accommodation

Two follow up group calls

Cost:   $649

By sharing our authentic selves with others in a structure that ensures a loving and safe place, we are not only building our own confidence and personal power, we are also sharing our gifts with the world and inspiring others to take the leap for themselves.


Join a WOT circle where trust, compassion, and creativity rule. The WOT Weekend will gather up to 16 women of all ages, and diverse economic and social backgrounds. 


Founder, Mary Campbell, will host the weekend with guest facilitators of Berkshire circles bringing their experience for various parts of each day's schedule.


As the weekend unfolds, the feeling of community deepens, close personal friendships form, and a trusted support network will evolve. 


You will articulate a vision for yourself for the following eight weeks and buddy with another woman in the circle to support you as you bring your intention into reality throughout the spring. 


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